
Function: useBalance()

useBalance(UseBalanceParameters): undefined | { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }

Computes and retrieves the token balance, decimals, and symbol information for a specified wallet address on a specific blockchain.

This function leverages blockchain read operations to fetch the balance of a token for a given wallet address along with associated token metadata such as decimals and symbol. It also formats the token balance for easier readability.




The parameters for retrieving the balance.


undefined | { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }

An object containing the balance information or undefined if data is not available:

  • value (BigInt): The raw token balance.

  • decimals (number): The number of decimal places for the token.

  • symbol (string): The symbol of the token.

  • formatted (string): The formatted balance value as a string with a fixed precision of 8.

Defined in


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