๐Ÿ‘ฎNetwork Guardians: Firewall on Haven1

Haven1's Network Guardians program protects against malicious transactions, stopping them before they reach the network's RPC, ensuring enhanced security for all users.

Haven1 is designed to provide the highest level of security for users, developers, and institutions interacting with the blockchain. To achieve this, weโ€™ve partnered with some of the most reputable security companies in Web3 to create a Network Guardians programโ€”a multi-layered firewall that prevents malicious transactions before they reach the Haven1 network.

Our vision is to make Haven1 the safest haven in the blockchain space, and our Network Guardians program is at the heart of this effort. Letโ€™s walk through the components of this evolving security framework:

1. Hypernative: Real-Time Smart Contract Monitoring

At the core of our defense system is Hypernative, one of the leading names in Web3 security. Hypernative actively monitors smart contracts and identifies any potential vulnerabilities or signs of compromise in real time. If a contract is suspected to have been hacked or shows signs of abnormal behavior, Hypernative can stop transactions from going through before they even hit the Haven1 RPC (Remote Procedure Call) endpoint.

This immediate response is crucial in cases where contracts have been hacked or are otherwise compromised. Hypernative leverages its deep insights into contract behavior to detect and prevent malicious activity, protecting users and developers from potential losses.

2. Wallet Shield: 2FA for Wallet Security

In addition to smart contract monitoring, Haven1 offers users Wallet Shield, a 2FA-enabled protection mechanism. Wallet Shield ensures that even if a userโ€™s private key is compromised, their funds remain safe. With two-factor authentication (2FA), users can set up an additional layer of security for transaction approvals, providing a safety net in case of phishing attacks or loss of their private key.

This allows users to operate with confidence, knowing that their assets are protected by more than just a private key, reducing the risk of rug pulls or unauthorized transactions.

3. Tx Policy Shield with Failsafe

One of the unique features Haven1 offers is a Tx Policy Shield. This tool enables users to set custom transaction policies that act as automated rules for when transactions should be allowed or denied. These policies can be based on parameters such as:

  • IP restrictions: Only allow transactions from specific locations.

  • Time windows: Restrict transactions to certain times of day.

  • Daily & Transaction limits limits: Set limits on the number or value of transactions per day.

With this product, users have full control over the circumstances under which transactions can occur. This helps mitigate the risk of unauthorised or fraudulent activities, acting as a failsafe for sensitive accounts and high-value transactions.

4. Bridge Transaction Monitoring: Withdrawal Delay for Suspicious Activity

Weโ€™re also working with an unannounced partner who specializes in monitoring bridge transactions. This partner will actively review all withdrawal requests coming from Haven1โ€™s bridge, scanning for suspicious behavior. If any transaction appears to be linked to suspicious activityโ€”such as sudden large withdrawals or irregular patternsโ€”the withdrawal can be delayed for further investigation.

This added layer of security ensures that funds are not prematurely or maliciously moved off-chain, protecting against bridge attacks that have become more common in the Web3 space.

The Expanding Network Guardians Program

The Network Guardians program is an evolving initiative. As the blockchain space grows and new threats emerge, Haven1 is committed to working with the best Web3 security companies to continuously improve the safety and integrity of the network. By creating a firewall that stops malicious transactions before they even reach the network, Haven1 ensures that users can confidently transact, build, and innovate in a secure environment.

Weโ€™re proud of the progress weโ€™ve made so far, but this is just the beginning. The Network Guardians program will expand to include even more security partners, with a focus on creating a robust and adaptive defense system that can counter the evolving threat landscape.

Last updated