Web3 libraries and tools

The following frameworks will help you build your applications:


Ethers.js is a comprehensive and compact library that facilitates seamless interaction with Ethereum, Arbitrum, and other EVM-compatible blockchains and their ecosystems. It provides a one-stop solution for decentralized application development with features like secure client-side private key management, compatibility with different nodes, and integration with ENS names.

The library supports JSON wallet import/export, BIP 39 mnemonic phrases, and HD wallets while maintaining a lightweight footprint. Ethers.js also offers extensive documentation, full TypeScript support, and a generous collection of test cases, all under the open-source MIT License.


Web3.js is a versatile JavaScript library that empowers developers to interact with Ethereum, Arbitrum, and other EVM-compatible nodes through HTTP, IPC, or WebSocket protocols. It simplifies tasks such as sending Ether, checking smart contract data, and creating contracts.

Serving as a JavaScript binding for the JSON RPC interface, web3.js is easy to use in popular web browsers, server-side Node.js applications, and Electron-based apps. It is often paired with the MetaMask browser extension, enabling developers to create decentralized applications and manage transactions directly from their preferred browser.


Web3.py is a Python library specifically designed for interacting with Ethereum, Arbitrum, and other EVM-compatible blockchains. It is widely used in decentralized applications (dApps) to handle transactions, work with smart contracts, and access block data.

Initially derived from the web3.js JavaScript API, web3.py has evolved to cater to the needs of Python developers. The library enables users to develop clients for reading and writing data on the blockchain, including interactions with smart contracts, making it a versatile tool for Ethereum-based applications. Web3-Onboard

Web3-Onboard is an open-source, framework-agnostic JavaScript library to onboard users to web3 apps. The platform provides a range of tools and services to simplify the process of integrating and interacting with blockchain networks. It offers customizable user interfaces and pre-built components that can be easily integrated into applications, streamlining the user onboarding process. Additionally, Onboard provides robust documentation and developer resources to support efficient integration and ensure a smooth user experience.

With Onboard, developers can leverage advanced features such as multi-chain support and wallet connectivity, enabling seamless interactions with various blockchain networks. The platform also offers user-friendly authentication methods, simplifying the account creation and login processes. By utilizing Onboard, businesses can provide their users with a user-friendly and intuitive onboarding experience, reducing friction and increasing user adoption in the blockchain ecosystem.

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