Implementing Identity Checks in Smart Contracts

  1. Contract Setup: Start by defining the OPERATOR_ROLE in your contract, which is crucial for managing permissions within your smart contract. Ensure that your contract correctly initializes and interacts with the Proof of Identity contract.

  2. Issuing Identity with issueIdentity:

    • Understand and implement the issueIdentity function. This is a critical function for creating a Proof of Identity NFT for verified users.

    • Parameters like primaryID, countryCode, userType, and expiries need to be correctly set based on the userโ€™s verified information.

    • The uri parameter can link to additional information about the user, stored off-chain for privacy.

  3. Attribute Management:

    • Utilize attribute-related functions such as setStringAttribute and setBoolAttribute to assign specific characteristics to a user's profile.

    • These attributes could range from basic personal information to more complex data relevant to your application, like accreditation status or membership details.

Implementing Identity Verification in Smart Contracts

  1. Fetching and Validating Token IDs:

    • Leverage tokenID(address account) to retrieve the token ID linked to a user's identity. This ID is fundamental for verifying if a user has undergone the necessary identity checks.

    • Implement logic to handle scenarios where a token ID might not exist or be invalid.

  2. Utilizing Identity Attributes in Contract Logic:

    • Country Code Validation: Employ getCountryCode for geo-specific logic, such as restricting or allowing transactions based on the user's location.

    • User Competency: Integrate getCompetencyRating to evaluate if a user meets certain skill or competency criteria, essential in specialized applications.

    • User Type Differentiation: Use getUserType to categorize users into different groups like retail or institutional, and modify the contract's behavior accordingly.

  3. Integrating Attribute-Based Access Control:

    • Design your smart contract functions to check for specific attributes before allowing transaction execution. This ensures that only qualified or authorized users can perform certain actions within your contract.

    • Use events like AttributeSet and IdentityIssued to keep track of changes in user attributes and identities.

Advanced Contract Features

  1. Handling Token URI Updates:

    • Implement the setTokenURI function to update the metadata or information linked to a userโ€™s Proof of Identity NFT.

    • This allows for dynamic updates to a user's profile or identity information while maintaining the integrity of the NFT.

  2. Custom Attribute Integration:

    • Go beyond the standard attributes and implement custom attributes relevant to your application. This could include user preferences, historical transaction data, or other relevant information.

    • Use functions like setU256Attribute or setBytesAttribute for custom data types.

  3. Error Handling and Security:

    • Ensure your contract properly handles potential errors such as ProofOfIdentity__InvalidAttribute or ProofOfIdentity__AlreadyVerified.

    • Implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access or manipulation of user identity information.

Last updated