🔐Network-level security

Haven1's network-level security measures are meticulously designed to mitigate risks like hacks, exploits, and malicious activities. For developers on the Haven1 platform, adhering to these protocols is crucial to ensure the integrity and safety of applications.

Audit Requirements

Mandatory Audits: Every application or protocol launched on Haven1 must undergo a minimum of three comprehensive audits conducted by recognized and reputable audit partners. The Haven1 team is committed to facilitating connections between developer teams and our trusted audit partners.

Objective of Audits: These mandatory audits are crucial to ensure that all applications are robust against vulnerabilities and conform to the highest industry standards. This rigorous auditing process significantly bolsters the security infrastructure of the Haven1 network.

Statistical analysis reveals a compelling insight: Protocols in the blockchain space that have undergone at least three audits (in cases the bytecode remains identical for all three audits) have a 99% lower probability of harboring undisclosed vulnerabilities. This underscores our commitment to ensuring the utmost security and reliability of protocols on Haven1.

Oracle Integration

Mandatory Oracle Services: Haven1 mandates the integration of trusted oracle services such as Chainlink or Pyth in its applications.

Objective: This ensures data accuracy and overall network safety, essential for applications relying on external data feeds.

Specific Contract Requirements

Haven1 imposes several contractual requirements to bolster network security:

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

  • Purpose: RBAC is crucial for managing sensitive operations within smart contracts. It restricts critical functions like token minting and vote casting to authorized roles, thereby minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or manipulation.

  • Implementation: Developers must carefully assign roles and permissions, ensuring that only designated accounts have the authority to perform specific contract functions, enhancing the overall security and governance of the smart contract.

Deployment Control:

  • Controlled Deployment: To safeguard the network from potentially harmful contracts, only accounts owned by the Haven1 Association are permitted to deploy contracts. This centralized control mechanism adds an additional layer of security against rogue or malicious smart contract deployments.

  • Quality Assurance: This approach ensures that all deployed contracts adhere to Haven1's stringent security standards and have undergone necessary audits and reviews, maintaining a high level of trust and integrity within the network.

Integration with Haven1 Fee Library:

  • Fee Management Consistency: All applications on Haven1 are required to integrate with the Haven1 Fee Library. This ensures a standardized approach to handling transaction fees across the platform, providing transparency and predictability for users.

  • Reduced Complexity: Integration with a common fee library simplifies the development process, allowing developers to focus on core functionalities without worrying about the complexities of fee management in their contracts.

Contract Pausability:

  • Emergency Response: The mandatory inclusion of a pausability feature in smart contracts allows for immediate response in emergencies. This feature can be crucial in halting operations in the event of detected vulnerabilities or attacks.

  • User Protection: Pausability serves as a protective measure, safeguarding users' assets and interests by promptly addressing unforeseen issues. It provides a mechanism for developers to rectify issues without jeopardizing the contract's integrity or user assets.

Identity Verification through Provable Identity Framework

Haven1’s Provable Identity Framework (PIF) plays a crucial role in ensuring network security by mandating strict identity verification for all on-chain transactions.

Security Enhancement: Mandatory identity verification for transactions significantly reduces fraudulent activities.

Dispute Resolution: This framework offers a reliable mechanism for resolving disputes, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Building Trust: Verified identities increase user confidence in the network, fostering a more secure blockchain environment.

This approach is aimed at enhancing the overall security of the network and providing a reliable mechanism for dispute resolution.

Continuous Monitoring and Incident Detection

Haven1 places a strong emphasis on continuous monitoring and real-time detection of potential security threats. This proactive approach is crucial in identifying and mitigating risks promptly.

Transaction Analysis: Monitoring all network transactions for signs of malicious activity like double-spending or high gas fees.

Smart Contract Monitoring: Vigilant observation of smart contract interactions to identify vulnerabilities like reentrancy attacks.

Price Manipulation Surveillance: Overseeing potential manipulation within DEXs or oracle services to maintain asset pricing integrity.

Flash-Loan Attack Prevention: Detecting large-scale, rapid transactions to prevent market manipulation.

Event and Call Trace Analysis: Analyzing smart contract-generated events and call traces to identify irregularities or malicious activities.

Last updated